
Bladder Concerns


Do you have to rush to the toilet when you feel the urge to wee?

Are you always looking for a toilet and going just in case?

Do you find that your urine stream stops/starts or do you have difficulty starting your wee?

Do you have an after-dribble once you finish weeing?

What can cause bladder concerns?

Prostate enlargement

Pelvic floor muscle issues (weakness/too tight)


Poor fluid intake and toileting habits

Weight changes (particularly an increase in abdominal fat)

Chronic cough and repeated heavy lifting

Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's Disease, stroke or MS

How can my Physiotherapy services help you?

Physiotherapy can help your bladder problems, for most men I am able to restore your full control or provide you with a substantial improvement in your quality of life.

 I will provide you with an individualised assessment and treatment plan for your bladder issue.

Treatment may include:

  • Pelvic floor muscle training
  • Advice and education on your bladder habits
  • Bladder retraining
  • TENS
  • Bowel management as needed

Pregnancy and Pelvic Health Diaries

Do you want to know more about your bladder?

By Cara Richmond October 15, 2022
What is an overactive bladder? An overactive bladder is a common condition that causes an individual to experience sudden and uncontrollable urges to wee. For some people the urge is so strong that they have a bladder accident (incontinence) either at the same time the have the sudden urge to wee or enroute to the toilet. Some people will experience the sudden urge to wee, but be able to make it to the toilet n time. An overactive bladder can be a stressful condition that can cause anxiety and fear around leaving the house, being able to find a toilet when out and being able to hold on when the urge comes on. What are the symptoms of an overactive bladder: Urgency Frequency Incontinence Nocturia (night time weeing) What can cause an overactive bladder? There are many factors which can contribute to an over active bladder. These can include: Small bladder size Extra strong bladder contractions Caffeine intake e.g. tea, coffee Carbonated drinks e.g. coke, Pepsi max Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis Hormonal changes Pelvic floor dysfunction Urinary tract infections What can be done to help an overactive bladder? There are lots of treatments which can be effective in reducing your symptoms. These can include: Bladder retraining TENS Pelvic floor muscle training (sometimes it’s about relaxing the muscles not just strengthening) Reducing caffeine and soft drinks Ensuring you drink enough fluid over the day Bladder emptying techniques Medications Rest assured you do not need to put up with your bladder symptoms. Your Pregnancy and Pelvic Health Physiotherapist can help develop you a tailored plan to restore your bladder control and life.

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