
Prostate Surgery


Have you recently been told about or undergone Prostate Surgery?

Have you been told by your Surgeon or Doctor to see a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist?

Did you know that Prostate surgery can cause urinary leakage and frequency and it is commonly experienced by men who have had surgery?

Did you know that, the correct Pelvic Floor exercises can help restore your bladder control and erectile function?

Common Post Operative Side Effects from Prostate Surgery

Wee leaking with coughing, sit to stand, sneezing and exercise

Urgency and frequency to wee

Pelvic floor muscle issues (weakness/too tight)


Altered fluid intake and toileting habits

Painful/tender scars in the abdominal area

Loss or significant changes in erectile function

How can my Physiotherapy services help you?

Physiotherapy can help you recover from your Prostate Surgery. For most men, I am able to restore full control of their bladder and improve and rehabilitate their erectile function. My aim is to provide you with a substantial improvement in your quality of life

 I will provide you with an individualised assessment and treatment plan for your Prostate Recovery.

Treatment may include:

  • Pelvic floor muscle training
  • Advice and education on your bladder habits
  • Bladder retraining
  • Scar management
  • TENS
  • Exercise rehab
  • Bowel management as needed

Pregnancy and Pelvic Health Diaries

Do you want to know more about Prostate Surgery?

By Cara Richmond 15 Oct, 2022
Seeing a Pelvic Health Physio prior to surgery can help you prepare your pelvic floor for the recovery afterwards, provide you with advice and education on how to manage your bladder control and optimise your rehabilitation. I recommend that men attend at least 2 appointments prior to surgery, where you have time to ask lots of questions, raise any concerns and it also helps you to o ptimise the time prior to surgery to learn how to e ngage your pelvic floor muscles to help with bladder control and erectile function post op. You are encouraged to bring your spouse or support person along to your appointments. What does a Pelvic Health appointment look like? During your pre surgery appointment, I spend a lot of time getting a through history of your bladder, urinary and erectile function and symptoms to get a baseline of where things are at before the surgery. I often use a bladder diary to try and workout how much wee you produce over 24 hours, how often you are going to the toilet and how much on average you wee out when you go to the the toilet. This is all information that we can use to help your recovery and plan your treatment after surgery. During your appointment we spend a lot of time trying various different techniques to help y ou learn how to correctly contract your pelvic floor muscles. One of the best ways we have is to use biofeedback, which is using an ultrasound machine (similar to the one that looks at your organs, or a baby in the uterus). For our purposes we use it to identify and focus on watching how you muscles contract with various different cues. You will be able to visually see how your muscles contract and squeeze and this will help your brain and pelvic floor muscle connection to help You get a better contraction and sense of control when you actively squeeze your pelvic floor muscles . What does Pelvic Physio do after Prostate Surgery? After prostate surgery, I recommend booking an appointment 7-10 days after your catheter has been removed. This allows some time for the swelling, pain and healing of the urethral (wee tube) muscle. My plan for post op visits are dependent on your specific goals and how you feel your pelvic floor, bladder control and erectile function are going. Your follow up appointments may involve an in-depth assessment of your bladder function, pad weights (to track leakage of wee improvements), ultrasound assessment and biofeedback (muscle training) of your pelvic floor muscles, erectile rehabilitation, scar management and physical activity and overall muscle recovery including abdominals.

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